International women in engineering day, gives us the perfect excuse to honor and praise the amazing women who work within Enovate Ai and within the energy industry, extraordinary women like Marisely Urdaneta, who strives to shape the world and build a more inclusive environment for future female engineers.

Many little girls dream about barbie dreamhouses and a fairytale life, but not Marisely. She used to daydream about helmets, safety shoes and personal protective equipment. She dreamt about being on an hashtagOilandGas platform as a Petroleum Engineer.

However, finding equality in such a male-dominated industry is no small feat. As many of us know, there are many men who feel threatened by powerful women – more so if they outrank them. Thank god for male allies.

There are various techniques women in several industries apply in order to be heard and cultivate confidence, especially when surrounded by men. And that is precisely how Marisely has gone up the ranks, focusing on her goals and demonstrating her skills and how well she can perform in any roles within the organizational structures. Becoming an inspiration for other women.

Thankfully, there has been an increasing shift in previously androcentric industries and overall societies. Women (and male advocates) have become more empowered and joined the fight for equality TOGETHER. The increasing support for women in hashtagSTEM fields, has unleashed a chain reaction on this changing paradigm.

Women are concerned about societal issues such as gender equality, illiterate population, global warming… and dream about a new future by changing the present through our joint contribution.

Women are slowly but surely making strides and taking chances to be inventive, fight to have equal power and opportunities for financial independence, education and personal development in the world. It’s not just about filling a hashtagdiversity quota anymore.

So what advice should we give the next generation of female engineers?

Marisely believes in hard work, motivation and sticking to ones objectives. Yes. But never be deterred by the inevitable sexism that can still be found within many industries, specially male-dominated ones.

So whatever you do in this world, don’t be deterred and push through. Join organizations and societies of women, for women, and receive the support you seek and deserve,

It’s fair to assume that this ever-changing and fast-paced world we live in, prompts us to think about a future with an ever-increasing number of female engineers. Women with the capacity and the power to create change and improve our daily lives. Shaping the world to make it safer, smarter and why not? Greener.

Just something to think about on this hashtagInternationalWomenInEngineeringDay